Serving the Community's Greatest Need Since 1950



Our community, like every community, is constantly changing and evolving and as does its needs change from year to year.  The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale reviews each request for funding to ensure it falls in line with our mandate to determine if funds will be made available before bringing it to our membership to vote on. 


‘Your tremendous support has made significant difference in the lives of patients and the success of our mission. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Canada’s Lifeline.’

The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale, along with Kin Canada, participate in the Canadian Blood Services ‘Partners for Life Program’. On the first Wednesday of each month the Coaldale Kinsmen have eight plasma donation appointments as a part of the CBS ‘Adopt a Chair’ program.

The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale members donate blood as a group every 3 months.

Kin Canada is a proud national partner of Cystic Fibrosis Canada. Each year Kinsmen and Kinettes host a variety of fundraising and awareness-building activities in support of the battle against cystic fibrosis. Since 1964, Kin members across Canada have raised more than $45 million for cystic fibrosis research and patient care.

Supporting other groups and community initiatives

The Kinsmen Club of Coaldale’s mandate is to support our community’s greatest need. We provide support for many groups, service providers, events and projects that benefit our town. If you have a request for funding that fits into our mandate, we welcome you to put in a request for consideration.